Contributing to RCTabΒΆ

We appreciate your interest in contributing to RCTab.

If you spot a bug, or have a feature request, please raise an issue in the relevant repository. If you would like to contribute code, please ensure you have checked the existing issues and pull requests to ensure your contribution is not already in progress. If you are unsure, please raise an issue to discuss your idea before you start work.


Please do not report security vulnerabilities in public issues. Please raise a private security issue in the relevant repository.

All contributions are made via pull requests to the repository containing the code you wish to contribute to. For example, if you have a bug fix for the CLI, you would submit a pull request to the rctab-cli repository. If you have a change for the API you would submit a pull request to the rctab-api repository. If you have a change for the a function app, you would submit a pull request to the rctab-function-apps repository. If you have a change for the documentation, please sumit a pull request to this repository. Please make a fork of the appropriate repository and submit your pull request from your fork.

Please make sure that you have added tests and documentation for any fixes or new features.